Member Forum
The Member Forum encourages Small Business owners and executives to share tips, support each other, enhance collaboration and strategic alliances, and exchange insights. It is a forum that encourages active group discussions and a community of peers.
Strategic Planning Software
The Strategic Planning Software enables Small Business owners and executives to formulate a strategy, involve their team, report progress, measure performance, and to promote accountability.
Resource Library
The Resource Library is a collection of case studies, theories, frameworks and findings of academic research studies. It provides information for practical solutions for any Small Business owner and executive.
Educational Training
Online educational training improves your skills as a leader and manager at your own pace where ever and when ever you want. Our training modules cover everything from business planning, managing your business, formulating and executing strategy, team building activities, and many other topics. The focus is on practical solutions readily applicable in your day-to-day business management.
Q&A with a management consultant
Having an exclusive opportunity to ask a management consultant specific questions regarding your business situation. We will answer your questions, help you find solutions, and offer tips and advice on how to improve your business performance.
Next Steps...
If you are interested in a membership and/or would like to receive more information on our strategic planning software, click theĀ Count me in! button and our team will reach out to you.